FAQs & Guidelines -
#SCBL2022 BOGO Ticket Giveaway
Can I buy a Book Addict ticket and get a Book Junkie ticket FREE?
No, the FREE ticket will be the same as the one purchased.
How much is the Book Addict and/or Book Junkie ticket?
The cost is $40.00 plus Eventbrite fees. You can purchase your ticket on Eventbrite -(https://scbl2022.eventbrite.com)
What are the dates of the sale?
The BOGO sale starts on Monday, November 22, 2021, and ends at midnight on December 15, 2021.
Is there a special ticket for the BOGO?
No, when you purchase either the Book Addict or Book Junkie ticket on Eventbrite -(https://scbl2022.eventbrite.com) you will be eligible for a FREE ticket of the same type purchased.
How do I get my FREE ticket?
Once you purchase a ticket, you can email spacecoastbooksignings@gmail.com with the name & email of the person receiving the FREE ticket. If you do not email us, we will reach out to you within a day or so for the information needed.
How do I enter the drawing for the Holiday Giveaway package?
You will automatically be entered into the drawing once you purchase a ticket. We will draw winner on Thursday, January 16th and notify the winner via email for information to ship prize.
Can I enter the drawing multiple times?
Every ticket purchased will be entered into the drawing. If you purchase more than one time, you will be entered each time.
What is the difference between the Book Addict and the Book Junkie tickets?
They both include the same items except the Book Addict ticket allows you entrance into the Author/Reader Luncheon on Friday. The Book Junkie ticket allows you entrance into the We’re All Made Here After Party on Saturday night. Choose which one fits you best. See our What’s Included? for additional information.
Can these tickets be used for Personal Assistants/Extra Person tickets?
No, a PA/Extra Person needs access to different areas of the event that a reader is not allowed to be outside of the scheduled time. You need to purchase the correct ticket for the access, these tickets can not be converted.
I have already purchased a Book Addict or a Book Junkie ticket. Can I get a FREE ticket?
Depends on if you purchased your ticket at a discount or how you obtained your ticket. Please reach out to spacecoastbooksignings@gmail.com for us to look into it for you.
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